
Something Blue – Axis – July 15, 2017

This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring Cubensis, Reed Mathis, Steve Kimock, and Guitarmageddon. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at

Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00 PM CST, at

Cubensis Live at OC Tavern on 2017-07-01

Reed Mathis Live at Metro on 2017-06-30

Guitarmageddon Live at High Sierra Music Festival 2017 Music Hall Playshop on 2017-07-02

Cubensis, Tell Me Something Good

Welcome to Something Blue. I’m Hairy Larry and I’ve got the blues, for you.

Cubensis, The Core

Now that’s what I’m talking about, Cubensis with “The Core”. Kicking us off they sang “Tell Me Something Good”. Blues rock at it’s best.

Something Blue is broadcast on KASU, 91.9 FM and streaming on the internet at

I’m Hairy Larry, host of Something Blue. Cubensis was recorded live at OC Tavern in San Clemente, California, on July 1, 2017. Coming up next they do “Take Me To The Pilot”. Then we’ll hear Reed Mathis with Steve Kimock playing “Philadelphia Mambo”.

Cubensis, Take Me to the Pilot
Reed Mathis, Philadelphia Mambo

Guitarmageddon, With A Little From My Friends
Guitarmageddon, Bold As Love

Oh yeah, that’s Guitarmageddon as “Bold As Love”. They also played “With A Little Help From My Friends”. Guitarmageddon was recorded live at the High Sierra Music Festival in Quincy, California, on July 2, 2017.

Something Blue is broadcast on KASU, 91.9 FM and streaming on the internet at

I’m Hairy Larry, host of Something Blue. Visit the something Blue website at

Reed Mathis and Steve Kimock were recorded live at the Metro in Chicago, Illinois, on June 30, 2017. Closing the show here they are now with “Nana’s Chalk Pipe”.

Reed Mathis, Nana’s Chalk Pipe

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