Something Blue – Wonder – November 14, 2020
This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring songs from jazz re:freshed, oprachina, and Steve Lawson. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at
Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00 PM CST, at
jazz re:freshed Vol1 with Obenawa, Joy Jones, Organism, and Xantone Blacq
oprachina – the jazz farm
Steve Lawson – Grace and Gratitude
Obenewa, I Wonda If
Welcome to Something Blue. I’m Hairy Larry and I’ve got the blues, for you.
Organism, Soul Claddin
Joy Jones, Today
All right now, three songs from jazz re:freshed Vol1. From the top we heard Obenawa sing “I Wonda If”, Organism did “Soul Claddin”, and then Joy Jones sang “Today”, all contemporary jazz performers working the edges of the genre.
Something Blue is broadcast on KASU, 91.9 FM and streaming on the internet at
I’m Hairy Larry, host of Something Blue. Visit the Something Blue website to listen anytime and for clickable links to more music from the featured musicians.
OK now, coming up next we have two songs from “the jazz farm” by Oprachina, “Fat-Fast” and “Grigioscuro”.
Oprachina, Fat-fast
Oprachina, Grigioscuro
Xantone Blacq, Without You
Steve Lawson, Grace And Gratitude
Oprachina, Porta D’Arce
Now that’s what I’m talking about, Oprachina doing “Porta D’Arce”. Before that we heard Xantone Blacq play “Without You” and Steve Lawson did the title song of his album, “Grace and Gratitude”.
Something Blue is broadcast on KASU, 91.9 FM and streaming on the internet at
I’m Hairy Larry, host of Something Blue. All of the music we are hearing tonight is licensed Creative Commons making it legal to download and share. For more about Creative Commons and free culture art, music, and literature visit my website,
Closing the show we’ll hear two more songs from Steve Lawson’s “Grace and Gratitude” solo bass album. Here’s “Despite My Worst Intentions” and “The Space Between The Silence”.
Steve Lawson, Despite My Worst Intentions
Steve Lawson, The Space Between The Silence