From The Archives Of Something Blue November 14, 2021

Delta Legends

Thanks Marty, today we’ve got some Arkansas blues recorded at the King Biscuit Blues Festival in Helena Arkansas.

Before the pandemic I made the trip to The Biscuit every October. I love the whole scene, the street music, the main stage, and Fireman’s Campground where I would jam with my friends all night long. I played with two bands, The Emporium Orkestra and Delta Legends. In 2018 The Emporium Orkestra played at the Downtown Bar and Grill Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mornings and Delta Legends played on the Cedell Davis stage Friday evening. Closing our set we invited members of the Emporium Orkestra up to join us.

Rhode Island Red and Pinky Lee are not from Arkansas. But they do play in Arkansas every year. The Delta Legends are John Shepherd, Jeremy Burnett, and myself. We all live in Arkansas. And there’s one more tie to Arkansas. The song we’re playing is by Washboard Sam who was from Walnut Ridge, Arkansas.

So now, here’s Delta Legends joined by guest legends Rhode Island Red and Pinky Lee doing the Washboard Sam song, “Diggin’ My Potatos”.


And that’s Delta Legends joined by guest legends Rhode Island Red and Pinky Lee singing “Digging My Potatos”. Don’t miss Something Blue Saturday night at 10:00 to hear more Delta Legends, Tab Benoit, and Los Lobos.

Tab Benoit

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