From The Archives Of Something Blue December 26, 2021

From The Archives Of Something Blue December 26, 2021

1. DJ Hairy Larry presents The Infinite Calling
2. Something Blue – Holly – 29 second spot

Thanks Marty, this week we’re going for the ambience.

I first met Daniel Turner at Blues Fest. He and his brother played in a rock band called Vision Tongue and they tore it up.

Now Daniel Turner is performing ambient music as a solo act named The Infinite Calling.

When I heard what he was doing I invited him to play at our Wednesday Night Youth Service at Brookland United Methodist Church. Now Methodists are very ecumenical and we have had Baptists play for us and Lutherans as well as Methodists. This was the first time we ever had a Buddhist play for us and he did great, looking above for guidance before he started.

And then he improvised his entire set, without breaks, just Daniel, his guitar, and his pedalboard. His fantastic music mesmerized the kids. They had never heard anything like it and they loved it.

I recorded his set and asked him what to call the song. He titled it “Customized Bliss”. It was almost 40 minutes long so today we’re going to hear a radio remix so that Marty can get back to some other Arkansas musicians.

Ok now, here’s The Infinite Calling recorded live at the Brookland United Methodist Church on September 30, 2015, playing “Customized Bliss”.



And that’s The Infinite Calling playing “Customized Bliss” recorded live in Brookland, Arkansas, on September 30, 2015. Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00, to hear more extended improvisation from Holly Bowling and Toubab Krewe.

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