Something Blue – Currents – April 3, 2021/December 17, 2022
This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring Jazz Alliance, Richard Andersson, and SFJAZZ Collective. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at
Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00 PM CST, at
SFJazz Collective – The Music Of Joe Henderson
Richard Andersson Sustainable Quartet – Please Recycle
Jazz Alliance – Partly Cloudy
Jazz Alliance, Formula 251
Welcome to Something Blue. I’m Hairy Larry and I’ve got the blues, for you.
Richard Andersson Sustainable Quartet, When Will the Blues Leave
Jazz Alliance, Pulling Across The Lawn
Now that’s what I’m talking about, Jazz Alliance playing “Pulling Across The Lawn” from the Jazz Alliance CD, “Partly Cloudy”. Kicking us off tonight they did “Formula 251”. We also heard the Richard Andersson Sustainable Quartet play “When Will the Blues Leave”.
Something Blue is broadcast on KASU, 91.9 FM and streaming on the internet at
I’m Hairy Larry, host of Something Blue. Visit the Something Blue website at to listen anytime.
The Jazz Alliance CD was recorded right here in Jonesboro. All the songs were written by Ron Horton who taught jazz at ASU. Here they are now playing “Blues In A Hurry”. Then we’ll hear the SFJAZZ Collective do a Joe Henderson song, “Cross Currents”.
Jazz Alliance, Blues In A Hurry
SFJAZZ Collective, Cross Currents
Richard Andersson,Tony Malaby,Sullivan Fortner, Round Trip
Richard Andersson,Tony Malaby,Sullivan Fortner, No Sense
All right now. That’s the Richard Andersson Sustainable Quartet doing “Round Trip” and “No Sense” from their album “Please Recycle”.
Something Blue is broadcast on KASU, 91.9 FM and streaming on the internet at
I’m Hairy Larry, host of Something Blue. Thanks to the public library’s Freegal service and HairyLarryLand for providing free downloads of the songs we’re hearing tonight.
Closing the show we have two more songs from the SFJAZZ Collective’s album, “The Music Of Joe Henderson”. Here’s “Locura” and “Jinrikisha”.
SFJAZZ Collective, Locura
SFJAZZ Collective, Jinrikisha