DJ Hairy Larry Presents Paul Richardson Playing Autumn Leaves

DJ Hairy Larry Presents Paul Richardson Playing Autumn Leaves
From The Archives Of Something Blue 2024-01-14

Thanks Marty, today we’re going to hear a jazz standard recorded at KASU Jazz Thursday.

I always say, I like this song or this song is really great but today I’m going to let it all hang out. My favorite song is “Autumn Leaves”. Yes it has a great change and a poetic lyric about lost love. But the reason I love “Autumn Leaves” is the melody.

When I started learning jazz piano “Autumn Leaves” taught me more than any other song. I played it with Bebop Beatniks for years.

There is only one path to the jazz standard label and that’s cover versions. The thing that makes a song a standard is the fact that it’s frequently covered. I listened to hundreds of great versions, all of them better than I could ever hope to play. If you think that stopped me you’re crazy. Never let the fact that someone else is better stop you from doing what you love.

At Jazz Thursday, on June 24, 2010, Paul Richardson played “Autumn Leaves”. Playing with him were Corey Emerson, bass and Carl Abraham, drums, all residents of Northeast Arkansas.

Now I’ve got to tell you that even after listening to hundreds of versions of the song played by great jazz musicians, Paul knocked me out. The intro, the playful rhythmic variations, the runs and flourishes, everything enhances the song. When you listen you’ll hear exactly what I’m talkin’ about.

So now, recorded on June 24, 2010, at KASU Jazz Thursday, here’s Paul Richardson playing “Autumn Leaves”.

Something Blue Archives – Paul Richardson Live At Jazz Thursday June 24 2010


And that’s Paul Richardson with Corey Emerson and Carl Abraham playing “Autumn Leaves” at Jazz Thursday. Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00, to hear Sunna Gunnlaugs, Bob Reynolds, and Jeffrey Scott Lawrence.

And that’s Paul Richardson with Corey Emerson and Carl Abraham playing “Autumn Leaves” at Jazz Thursday. Don’t miss Something Blue, tonight at 10:00, to hear Sunna Gunnlaugs, Bob Reynolds, and Jeffrey Scott Lawrence.

DJ Hairy Larry With Bob Reynolds Playing Down South
Something Blue – Tunnel – 29 second spot

This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring Sunna Gunnlaugs, Bob Reynolds, and Jeffrey Scott Lawrence. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at

Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00 PM CST, at

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