DJ Hairy Larry Presents Angie Owens Singing Serena’s Song

Angie Owens – Break The Chain

DJ Hairy Larry Presents Angie Owens Singing Serena’s Song
From The Archives Of Something Blue 2024-06-09

Thanks Marty, today we’re going to hear the coordinator of the Songwriter’s Workshop display her craft.

Angie Owens ran the Songwriter’s Workshop for many years. For a while there she held it at my Blues Alley jukehouse and I attended those sessions regularly and benefited from her lessons and from the song sharing. I wrote the song “Think I’ll Lay Around The House Today” over a couple of the workshops and it quickly became a requested favorite.

Then later when she was at The Edge Coffeehouse I started attending again, enjoying the workshop and the company of my friends in music, John Spencer and Paul Nunis.

She taught me the meaning of the word prosody and I’ll never forget the time when she covered the most common song structures and John Spencer and I would come up with hit songs for each structure. If this sounds a bit technical it’s because songwriting is a craft with it’s own vocabulary and that is what Angie Owens taught at her workshop.

The song I selected to play today is one that Vivian would request. Both Vivian and Angie had daughters later in life. Vivian sometimes wrote about Megan when she worked with her at The Times Dispatch and Angie wrote a song about Serena.

If you’ve raised a family you know there’s nothing easy about it and many young parents worry about whether they’re doing it right. Now you can’t stop a mother from worrying but when you have a child later in life after you’ve already raised a few you can spend a little more time enjoying yourself and a little less time worrying.

And you can focus on the most important part of family life, love.

Ok now, I’ve said it as well as I could but not nearly as well as Angie does in her song.

Here’s Angie Owens singing “Serena’s Smile”.

Something Blue Archives – List Of Concerts

Angie Owens – Reverbnation


And that’s Angie Owens singing “Serena’s Smile” from her album “Break The Chain”. Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00, to hear more songs from Angie and more Northeast Arkansas songwriters, John Spencer, Paul Nunis, Hairy Larry, and George.

Paul Nunis – Alive After 5:00 June 15, 2017

DJ Hairy Larry With Paul Nunis Playing Don’t You Know
Something Blue – Wildflower – 29 second spot

This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring Angie Owens, John Spencer, Paul Nunis, Hairy Larry, and George. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at

Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00 PM CST, at

John Spencer – Road to Brigadoon – All songs by John Spencer and Tom Turner

Now Online – Something Blue – Thinking


The Mudcats – Blues Fest House Band

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