Something Blue – Fibber – April 6, 2024

Three Trees Album Cover
This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring adam balusik, The James Quintet, Law, Maya de Luna, Quantum Jazz, and Regis V Gronoff. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at
Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00 PM CST, at
adam balusik: three trees
Live from the 55 Bar – 03/07/93 – The James Quintet
Sans gene ni oxygene by Law’
Au Bout du Monde by Maya de Luna
Quantum Jazz-End of Line
Regis V Gronoff-Tokyo Thunder Dance
adam balusik, felix
Welcome to Something Blue. I’m Hairy Larry and I’ve got the blues, for you.
The James Quintet, Blues Connotation
Now that’s what I’m talking about. From their album, “Live from the 55 Bar” that’s The James Quintet playing “Blues Connotation”. Kicking us off tonight we heard adam balusik do “felix” from his album, “three trees”.
Something Blue is broadcast on KASU, 91.9 FM and streaming on the internet at
I’m Hairy Larry, host of Something Blue. Visit the Something Blue website at to listen anytime and for links to the featured albums.
Ok now, coming up next here’s Maya de Luna sing “Ecris moi” from their album “Au Bout du Monde”. Then we’ll hear adam balusik playing “rain flowers”, and Quantum Jazz doing “Jingle Jazz” from their album, “End of Line”.
MayadeLuna, Ecris moi
adam balusik, rain flowers
Quantum Jazz, Jingle Jazz
Quantum Jazz, Balcarabic Chicken
Law’, Terre de couleurs
Régis V. Gronoff, Cantus
All right now, that’s Régis V. Gronoff playing “Cantus” from his album “Tokyo Thunder Dance”. Before that we heard Quantum Jazz do “Balcarabic Chicken” and Law’ sang “Terre de couleurs” from their album, “Sans gene ni oxygene”.
Something Blue is broadcast on KASU, 91.9 FM and streaming on the internet at
I’m Hairy Larry, host of Something Blue. All the songs we’re hearing tonight are from my library of Creative Commons Jazz hosted at
Closing the show here’s Maya de Luna singing “Brise du Japon”, followed by The James Quintet playing “Little Fibber” and “The Return”. Until next time this is Hairy Larry reminding you once again, blues is the mainstream.
MayadeLuna, Brise du Japon
The James Quintet, Little Fibber
The James Quintet, The Return